Willard Reporting:

March 25, 2008

His date seemed to have a good time, though it was obviously the time to put his arm around her or take her hand, and he did nothing in that area. Poor thing is likely confused now.

Willard had the clear impression on the date that, wonderful as she is, this girl is just too young for him. Maybe it’s not a matter of age, maybe it is, but he’s not feeling the sparks. If it’s not happening by the third date, it’s probably time for Willard to move on. Shucks. Willard really is a nerd. No wonder he’s not married.

Isn’t that irony at its best? Those who are worst at dating have to do it longer?

For His Next Trick . . .

March 20, 2008

Willard will attempt the third date. Only the bravest dare try this feat, and Willard is shaking in his boots.

To add to the excitement, Willard will also be introducing this girl to his entire family. He didn’t originally intend this – it was an activity his family had planned, and he decided to bring a girl.

They will be traveling an hour each way to see the family as well, so to top it off, this will be a marathon date.

Tune in to see whether he soars or splatters on the pavement.

Yep, Willard is realizing that being friendly with girls leads to confusion sometimes. It’s not that he flirts with them, but he just likes who they are and being around them, and he enjoys showing it. He does it in a careful way, of course: when he wants to spend time with one girl, he asks her on a date, and that’s different.

Well, he’s realizing that girls take friendliness for interest most times, even when he’s being friendly with several girls in an apartment all together. He doesn’t initiate these friendships really – usually they invite him to do things, but Willard thinks maybe he can’t treat girls like he does guys. Maybe he can’t be friends with girls the same way.

This is even a problem when he talks to his girl-friends about the girls he’s dating! Willard didn’t realize this, but they think that him opening up to them is a sign that he’s interested in them! He thought it was a way of being friends – talking about other relationships!

Maybe girls don’t realize that if Willard likes them, he will pursue them directly. Maybe this is a symptom of their thinking people don’t date much, but Willard thought that, where they know he asks other girls out, they’d surmise that he dates the girls he’s romantically interested in.

It’s not happening on several fronts, and Willard realized in the last week or so that he’s sending the wrong signals by being friendly with girls – either in the way he’s doing it or by doing it at all. Those poor girls. Don’t they know what a nerd Willard is?

They probably do now.